Mrs. Najaf Jafar
Managing Trustee I.T.E Trust
Managing Trustee Message
We are delighted to welcome you all to Pak Polytechnic Institute. I believe that our inclusive ethos & commitment to the highest standards in education will make our institute Pakistan’s premier technical education institute. We believe PPI will become a ‘flagship institute’ & will help to raise the standards of attainment in technical education.
We are proud of our present and past pupil who are our ambassadors and their achievements will, we pray, become success stories for their families, their communities and for successive generations. We possess strength of conviction and we will not lose hope or give-up until we see that all students are achieving beyond their potential. Our aim is to deliver great education and to give confidence to parents that their children are in safe hands. The role of an academic institution is not only to pursue excellence but also to motivate and empower its students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers and productive members of an ever-changing global society.
Each year we welcome students from a great range of backgrounds that we pride in and want our students to set very high academic standards for themselves by working incredibly hard to achieve their dreams. We want our students to share common bonds, value learning, respect each other and appreciate the skills and expertise of their teachers.